Home / Roof Painting vs. Roof Replacement: Which Is the Better Investment?

Roof Painting vs. Roof Replacement: Which Is the Better Investment?

Does your home’s roof look a little tired? If so, you could be keen to give it a makeover. With our roof painting services, we can make Auckland properties look fresh and new — and even provide them with protection against the elements and other threats.

However, it’s important to consider whether the roof is subpar not just aesthetically, but in other aspects as well. For example, if the roof is significantly damaged, getting it replaced could be the more cost-effective option for the long term. So, should you ultimately go for painting or replacement?

Is Your Roof Damaged?

If that’s the case, how severe is this damage? If the roof currently has a layer of paint that’s worn out, applying a new coat of paint could revive the roof’s performance and durability.

This is probably the situation if the roof was last painted around 15-20 years ago. Applying a new coat of paint can help protect the roof from not only harsh weather like heavy rain and hail but also from UV rays, birds, and tree branches that might land on the surface.

While this paint could enable you to postpone the need for repairs to the roof, the crucial word here is ‘postpone’. If the roof has major damage, e.g. leaks, rust or torn membrane, a roof replacement would constitute an all-around better remedy for the longer term.

What is Your Budget?

It’s worth highlighting that replacing the roof is a more ambitious—and therefore financially costlier—project compared to roof painting. If your finances are currently tight, you might find yourself leaning towards the latter option.

You need to remember the work’s value rather than its price. Painting wouldn’t be able to paper over cracks responsible for leaks, literally. Also, how effective a paint job would be in practice will very much depend on the roof’s condition.

Ironically, a severely damaged roof would be more expensive to paint anyway. If you have an Auckland home or workplace with such a roof, we can replace it for you.

On the flip side, if your Auckland roof has nothing more than minor damage, feel free to take advantage of any of our roof painting services. To find out about how we can enhance your property’s value, please give our team a call on 0800 746 275.

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